Flights from Boston Airport BOS to Charlottesville Airport CHO

There is only 1 airline that flies from Logan International to Albemarle that is Flexjet United States. The distance covered when flying from Logan International to Albemarle United States is 787 Km (489 Miles) with the travel time being around 1 Hour 44 Minutes. BOS is the Airport code for Logan International and CHO is for Albemarle United States.

The cost of the air travel varies depending on what day you travel and the time of day. It is normally worth booking flights well in advance if possible to get the best deal to Albemarle United States perhaps midweek or late evening. It is always advisable to book as early as possible. With most airliners prices will go up the closer you get to the departure date.

Below you can see a table that shows the airlines that fly from Logan International (BOS) to Albemarle (CHO) and frequency of flights daily.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Flexjet001000018:3118:31VIEW FLIGHTS

The most direct flights offered from Logan International to Albemarle United States are by Flexjet with around 1 flights a week. These operate from 18:31 with the latest flight being at 18:31. The most popular flight no is LXJ423.

Please visit for more information regarding booking a flight with Flexjet.

Please see below the times of flights. These times and frequency may vary at different times of the year please visit the website for more information.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights

There may also be different routes to Albemarle, by an alternative nearby airport. Please see details below.

Alternative Direct Routes
RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Portsmouth Pease to Charlottesville0846 km (526 miles)1 Hour 48 Minutes

Before departing customs Logan International make sure that you do not exceed baggage allowances as excess charges may be considerable.

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Flight Price FAQ - Boston (BOS) to Charlottesville (CHO)

1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest flight one way from Boston BOS to Charlottesville CHO?
The cheapest flight one way from Boston BOS to Charlottesville CHO is £72.71 ($92 €85.95)
$92 | €85.95
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Boston BOS to Charlottesville CHO?
The cheapest return flight from Boston BOS to Charlottesville CHO is £182.56 ($231 €215.81)
$231 | €215.81
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Boston (BOS) to Charlottesville (CHO)

Who flies from Boston to Charlottesville?
The following airlines fly from Boston (BOS) to Charlottesville (CHO): Flexjet.
How far is the flight from Boston to Charlottesville?
The flight from Boston to Charlottesville is 787KM or 489 miles.
How long does the flight from Boston to Charlottesville to take?
The flight from Boston to Charlottesville takes 1 Hour 44 Minutes.

Alternative Airports in United States with Connections from Logan Airport

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